Fellow Zugzwanians,

Thank you for taking the time to come to hear my campaign speech. As you know my name is Nathan Christopher and I am running as the leader of the National Unity Party a.k.a the NU Party. I am tremendously excited to be running for Prime Minister of Zugzwang, I am truly honoured that my party nominated me as the leader of the party and I am ecstatic to make some much needed changes to the country if I am elected. First a little bit about me, I am Nathan Christopher, obviously, I am currently a lawyer, and the leader of the NU Party, I enjoy long walks on the beach, and getting caught in the rain (Laughter from audience) Anyways, our party stands on a solid belief platform, an idea if you will. An idea that the country of Zugzwang can be a prosperous and economically advanced country, that all the citizens will thrive and not live in poverty. I believe that with a little effort and more involvement by the government Zugzwang will be the nation that it is destined to be. If elected Prime Minister of Zugzwang I will put forth the effort to change...

  • The Welfare Situation
  • Creating more resources without raising taxes
  • Creating more jobs, thusly increasing the financial situation of citizens
  • Protecting the environment, while still allowing development to occur
  • Bringing more wealth to Zugzwang by creating employment opportunities

Those are just some of the changes that I hope to implement if elected Prime Minister. If elected, I will listen to you, the citizens, and I will respond to your needs first. I am about the country of Zugzwang, I will soly not focus on the needs of my party, I will put all my effort into the people of Zugzwang. I hope that you will give your vote to my party and myself, I am very excited to be running and I hope to be the best leader that Zugzwang has ever seen. Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for listening. It is truly a time for greatness.   
"50 years of Bond, 23 movies, 7 actors who've played Bond, and its still the same damn Queen." -Unknown
We are not in control, we are second class citizens to the cyborgs that we create. Cyborgs, huh? Kinda sounds like something out of a movie, doesn't it? Well sorry, but that's real life for you, whether we like it our not computers are the way of the future. It's just like the movies where a super computer eliminates the need for human knowledge and humans that aren't necessary to the advancement of the technology aren't needed. Now that probably won't happen but it could run a close second, but we sometimes have to call into question whether or not we want computers to rule and run our lives. Why know a piece of information or a fact when Google can answer it with the click of a button or why learn cursive writing when Microsoft Word or Google Docs can do it for us? Well I think its the idea of keeping as much of the "old way" as possible, I like computers and using them however sometimes computers can be a pain. For example if your using a computer that is slow, productivity will go down and most likely you will become frustrated. The idea of keeping the old way of doing things is pretty self explanatory. Computers have earned their place in society, but sometimes the human way is the best way to do it. Computers are made by humans, so naturally there is always room for human error.  

"It's not what you look at what that matters, it's what you see." -Henry David Thoreau
"North Korea is like the bully who secretly has a calcium deficiency, if you have the courage to push him down a flight of stairs than the bones will break." -Robert Flynn
Writing a blog is probably the hardest thing that I have ever done in the world. When I first heard that we were supposed to write a blog I thought that it would be fun and interesting. But now that the school year has progressed, I can tell you that it sucks I can't think of anything to write. So that's why I'm writing this, this is a blog post about not being able to write a blog post, I gotta tell you that even though its a post about not being able to post I still can't think of anything. Why? Well i don't know why, maybe I'm burnt out of ideas, maybe when I start to write I loose my ideas, or maybe blogging just isn't for me. Well all that I know is that blogging is hard and sucks.