Bully, User and Abuser...

Hey you, kid

Oh no here we go again

Yeah I’m talking to you kid

Why can’t he just leave me alone?

If you keep ignoring me, I’ll beat you harder

I just wish this would stop, well better go see what he wants,

Alright same thing as yesterday, dweeb, give me your money or I’ll pound you

You’ll just pound me anyways

Did, you just talk back to me?
Oww, that hurts, stop that

Oh you think that hurts, I’ll show you what hurts 
Oww, stop that that really hurts,

What, no one ever grabbed you down there? Pussy,

Help! Help!

Shut up you dimwit, it’s time for someone  to pay

Please, please stop

Ok, ok I’ll give you my money, I’m sorry, I’m sorry

Damn right you're sorry, see you tomorrow, twerp

As thoughts raced through his head
He wished that he was dead
Dead and taken away from the world that damned him
Bully, what a name
It’s something that we all use, but it really means abuse
Now I would like to stand here and tell you that, that kid was alright
And continued to fight, but its not true
That “Bully” took that kids life that day,
Later that night, the kid gave up the fight
With a pull of the trigger, he became a dark shadow figure
Bully, what a name, it really means user and abuser
Always remember that actions have consequences
As we sit here and laugh and joke, call each other dicks, and other stuff
Remember some kids have it tough

Bully, User, abuser... 
                                                                            Debate: Selling Human Organs
                                                                              Connor & Jake- “Affirmative”

Statement: This house would legalize the sale of human organs. 

Opening Statements:
Human organs have become a necessity in the world today. According to the United States Department of Health & Human Services 18 people die each day from a lack of an organ donor. “The Organ Crisis” if you think about it, is simply a supply and demand issue there is a demand for organs, but no supply to fill it. Closer to home 1600 Canadians are added to organ waiting lists every year. In all the studies, facts, and publications, the words “waiting list” are in almost everyone, so why haven’t they been abolished yet? It’s a simple matter, not enough people posthumously donate organs because there is not a large enough of a reimbursement for the families of those whom donate. Simply the reward does not outweigh the cost. Is there a way to eliminate the list? There is, however it is not a way that everyone wants to except, it is the sale of human organs. The sale of organs presently is illegal, it is being conducted by sketchy doctors in back alleys. The likelihood of survival after a back alley procedure are slim, and those who survive for a long period of time after the operation are more likely to suffer emotional and almost unbearable pain. The sale of human organs is currently active and thriving, so why not legalize it and control it so that people are safe and the government can make money off the business. The sale of human organs, if regulated, would eliminate the need for a waiting list, people could by the organs that they need, and the government could make a profit on the sale. Think about it, thousands and thousands of lives would and could be saved, people will live longer and happier lives and the government could make a profit.  

Negative Opening Statements
Affirmative Rebuttal
Negative Rebuttal

Bare Knuckle Round:
Mention the legalization of marijuana
Criticize main ideas and points

Closing Statements:
In conclusion, the sale of human organs is, at times, unethical however it could save lives. It could save lives that maybe don’t have enough time and need an organ as soon as possible. Selling human organs is a great business and investment opportunity, and if the government regulates the sale than there is a lot of money to be made. Speaking from a more emotional point of view, if the sale of organs is necessary to save lives faster and ensure that those in need receive the proper life necessities. Ladies and gentleman, thank you for listening.   

Connor: Highlighted
Jake: Un-highlighted  
Nanook & the Dancing Fireman: Part One

By Jacob Ricketts

Many years ago in the North of Newfoundland, there was a boy. The boy was wild and reckless; so the elders of the Mi’kmaq tribe called him Nanook. Nanook was the name of a spirit that represented the curses of recklessness upon a being. Days and days past and Nanook grew more brash and barbaric, Nanook would break knives and fishing poles, he would not listen nor respect the elders and their wishes, the elders were becoming more and more impatient. The elders of the tribe sat and had a meeting one night and as they gazed into the fire, they saw Nanook and the village except the village was in ruins. All the elders looked at one and other and they talked about the story of the great bear that once destroyed an entire village in less time than it took to yell stop. All the elders agreed for the sake of the rest of the people in the village that Nanook should not be around anymore. The elders came to an agreement that if Nanook was to cause any more harm that he would be sent away, the elders all agreed that if Nanook acted out again they would send him on an impossible journey that would not lead Nanook back to the village. Nanook was 15 when he was sent on the impossible task. Nanook had been out playing and he showed off to the younger kids by grabbing fire from a Teepee and throwing it in the air making the most beautiful smoke, however when Nanook grabbed the fire he tripped over a cloth and dropped the fire on the teepee and it went up in smoke. After the smoke had cleared and the belongings were gathered the eldest man asked Nanook to run north and find Little Seal Lake “follow the great river and in time you will find the Lake, beware though every man who has tried to find this lake has never returned. Be careful, but be wise as well”, Nanook did not know why the elder asked him to find the lake but he accepted the task and started on his journey. Nanook was given a pound of meat and a litre of water, he was sent on his way. 

As the hours past Nanook seemed to be walking in circles, he had no map, no compass, just a general direction to travel. Nanook stopped and sat in a snow bank by a great flowing river, he looked over the bank into the water, when he did he first saw his reflection than another shape started to form. Nanook turned away and looked back again, when he did a figure, that he had never seen appeared and it freighted him, Nanook jumped back and closed his eyes, breathed and crawled back to the river. This time when he looked at the water…he saw himself staring back at him. Nanook collected his water, meat and continued on with his journey. The great sky grew dark and the extravagant Northern Lights showed themselves, Nanook stopped and gazed at the beauty of the gifts bestowed upon him. Nanook decided that he had been walking long enough and it was time to rest. As he laid in the snow and closed his eyes, the lights suddenly stopped, disintegrated and disappeared into the night sky, Nanook opened his eyes and sat up, when then the lights came back, this time in the shape of the figure that he saw in the river earlier in the day. Nanook closed his eyes, and opened them, this time he opened eyes, the figure started to move almost like it was dancing with the stars, all though he wanted too Nanook could not take his eyes off the dancing figure. The figure was a yellow and orange man, it was a man, a man in the sky dancing, he almost looked like that the man was on fire. Nanook was no longer afraid, he was intrigued, no he was amazed, amazed that a man in sky on fire could be so wonderful. Hours passed, to Nanook it only seemed like minutes, he gazed in awe and wonder. Nanook wondered why this being was here, why did it choose him? Why? Day broke and the lights disintegrated and the sun was shining, Nanook gathered his things and started on his way, snow covered ground, birds overhead and a beautiful sun shining with only one fluffy cloud. The river was clear and distinguished, Nanook was not taken in by anything surrounding him, he was only concentrated on the dancing man on fire that he stared at for hours the night before. As he continued down his unmarked trail, Nanook began to feel hungry he opened his pack and looked around for the meat he was given, to his surprise the meat was gone. Gone, like the fall before the winter, Nanook became hysterical and started running and looking for where he could have left his meat. When Nanook returned to where he had slept the night before he could not find the meat or any tracks that he had left, to Nanook the reckless boy this was the first time he became cautious. This scared him, he did not know what this feeling was it was a strange feeling, something he’d never felt before, even though he was scared Nanook felt a strange feeling of safety. Safety like being held when scared, with this new feeling and sense of safety and wiseness Nanook continued on his journey. Not having meat or any food was scary to Nanook, but for the first time it was the first thing on his mind, Nanook had finally grown from careless and reckless to wise and vigilant, he shook off the ways of his boyhood and was finally a man.

As the hours past, Nanook’s stomach growled and bellowed, he saw something in the distance. Something shining a beautiful blue shining object in the distance, Nanook squinted and looked as far as he could see. Nanook began to run, faster and faster gaining speed he finally found Little Seal Lake. Faster and faster, Nanook dropped his packs and screamed to the heavens and then stopped, stopped, dead in his tracks. The dancing man had returned, this time in the daylight, he was dancing majestically and with great poise, but he wasn’t dancing in the same motions as he did last time, he was dancing west and pointing the same direction. Nanook looked at the man and followed him, as long as Nanook could before the man disappeared. When Nanook looked around, the shining blue lake was gone, gone. Nanook collapsed and wept screaming that there was no use in continuing. Nanook sat in the snow sobbing and wincing for hours. Night took over the land and the stars showed themselves in full beauty. Like the night before the man returned, this time not dancing, standing looking at Nanook, Nanook cried and screamed at the man “Why are you here, what do you want?” The man turned his head and spoke to Nanook, “I have come to you, to guide you to the Great Lake, go west and you will find what you seek to.” The man started dancing and disappeared into the night sky as he did before. Nanook stood and yelled at the top of his lungs, “I will find this Lake and I will return a man!!” Nanook gathered his pack and stormed to the west.

The sun rose and Nanook was still walking to find what he was looking for. Nanook was entered a forest, with beautiful maple, oak and ash wood trees, this was the first time that he stopped and took in what was going on around him. Suddenly a branch broke in the distance and the great blue birds flew away in a  panicking frenzy. Nanook called on his new feeling and sense of safety and continued walking carefully. Not 10 minutes later 3 white furred wolves  appeared from behind the darkness.