The Classroom of the future! It’s already almost here, think about it students have access to the entire world’s data bank at their fingertips, new technologies to look up that information, and technologies to help complete the students work. So, what’s next? I think that the classroom of the future will look nothing like the classroom of today; there will be no more paper, no more pens or pencils, no more black/white board, and most of all no teacher. In place of teachers students will have one on one instruction structured to their specific needs and wants, but is this really the things should be? Technology is great and is already in many classrooms already and let me tell you it makes everything so much easier. Students can write an essay in an hour, do homework in 20 minutes and look up anything said in class. Now the question of is the classroom of 2030 going to be any different? I think it will, I think that the classroom of 2030 will have nothing but computers, tablets, and smartphones. It’s kind of like today’s classroom except without the paper & pen element.

Now sitting in class, we students are told to take out a piece of paper and a pen and write a note, we are told that this worksheet or textbook questions are due tomorrow and that if we don’t than we will lose homework marks. What if that was gone, what if instead of pens and paper, textbooks & worksheets we had computers and tablets that homework could be completed on and sent to be marked. Who would mark it though? Well mentioned above, structured individual learning, would probably be taught & marked by a computer programed with correct answers and lesson plans fit to the student’s needs. Kind of weird isn’t it? A computer being a teacher, who knew, but computers are capable of connecting to the entire world’s data base in the blink of an eye essentially wiping out the need for modern day teachers. What will the teachers of today do, get a new job, or maybe, just maybe there is still a place for today’s teacher in the classroom of 2030. Computers are amazing, but sometimes the computer can be wrong and there is a need for a sense of real life guidance. Maybe the classroom of 2030 still has a place for the teacher of today.

Some people think that technology is stupid and should be kept out of the classroom completely. Pretty soon the entire world will be dominated by technology and we can do nothing to stop it. So this begs the question, is 2030 going to be a complete overhaul on learning or is it going to be any different?

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