Some really great ideas and opinions as well as some raw emotion were expressed today. In our class today we expressed our spoken word poetry, by performing in front of the class. At first I was nervous, but as the time to perform came closer, the nerves wore off. I performed a poem that expressed an encounter between a bully and a victim, and the story ends up in the victim killing himself. I felt that the audience stayed tuned because I feel that I delivered the poem in a time efficient manor,  and talked to myself (Which some people thought was funny) Anyways, the poem to me felt like a great way for all of us in the class to express ideas and hidden emotions. I feel like that if more people took the time and effort to write a really good poem than we would have a class of truly poetic people.

Secret Admirer
5/11/2013 09:59:42 pm

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5/13/2013 03:15:59 am

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