Bully, User and Abuser...

Hey you, kid

Oh no here we go again

Yeah I’m talking to you kid

Why can’t he just leave me alone?

If you keep ignoring me, I’ll beat you harder

I just wish this would stop, well better go see what he wants,

Alright same thing as yesterday, dweeb, give me your money or I’ll pound you

You’ll just pound me anyways

Did, you just talk back to me?
Oww, that hurts, stop that

Oh you think that hurts, I’ll show you what hurts 
Oww, stop that that really hurts,

What, no one ever grabbed you down there? Pussy,

Help! Help!

Shut up you dimwit, it’s time for someone  to pay

Please, please stop

Ok, ok I’ll give you my money, I’m sorry, I’m sorry

Damn right you're sorry, see you tomorrow, twerp

As thoughts raced through his head
He wished that he was dead
Dead and taken away from the world that damned him
Bully, what a name
It’s something that we all use, but it really means abuse
Now I would like to stand here and tell you that, that kid was alright
And continued to fight, but its not true
That “Bully” took that kids life that day,
Later that night, the kid gave up the fight
With a pull of the trigger, he became a dark shadow figure
Bully, what a name, it really means user and abuser
Always remember that actions have consequences
As we sit here and laugh and joke, call each other dicks, and other stuff
Remember some kids have it tough

Bully, User, abuser... 

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