"The Monster never dies..."

Written by award-winning novelist Stephen King in 1981

The book Cujo combines fear and suspense in a non-stop thriller that leaves readers scared and wanting more. The book opens up with a simple American family with a loving dog, Cujo. While playing in the back yard, Cujo runs to fetch a ball in a dark cave when Cujo emerges from the cave he seems fine but acts slightly different. When the family notices a bite on Cujo the family is taken abound with grief and sorrow for their loved family dog. As the story progresses, Cujo begins to become more and more violent eventually killing a passer by. The family becomes very afraid as Cujo attempts to attack them. Eventually a plan is made to kill Cujo and what ever else was in the cave. 

This book is a well written thriller that left me wanting more and not being able to sleep. I love the writing style because it changes the point of view, as well the book has a great flow to it. This is a great read and I highly recommend it to everyone who is looking for a thrill.  

Cujo was made into a full-length feature film in 1983.

Rating: 4/5 

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